Wednesday, August 24, 2016

God's "Love Letter to You"

I see this often. The saying goes that you should read the Bible because it is God's 66 book "love letter" to you. Isn't that super special?

You should read the Bible.
You really should. It's hilarious! And morbid. Like to read about the violence of war? Saving Private Ryan has nothing on the Bible. Interested in stories of sexual depravity? The Bible is dirtier than Flowers in the Attic. Like improbable myths about people being swallowed alive by animals and surviving? Rape apologizing? Justification for child abuse? Rampant polygamy? Slavery? It's all in there. Reading the entire Bible from start to finish is probably the single biggest cause of Atheism there is.

But love? I don't think the Christian god understands this term. 

Let's lay aside for a moment the obvious fact that the bible wasn't written specifically for one individual person. Let's forget, for a moment, the fact that it's literally thousands of pages, much of which is about brutal and bloody warfare ordered by this god. If someone of the opposite sex (or whatever gender you prefer) gave you a huge book they'd written about the end of the world and how you need to praise them constantly or else be thrown into a lake of fire for all eternity, what would you do? Swoon?? I'd call an ambulance because that person would clearly be having a psychotic episode.

The Christian god is portrayed as a narcissist, incapable of a healthy relationship between equal partners.

How do narcissists behave in relationships?
  • It's all about them. They are constantly looking for attention, admiration and praise. 
  • They are always right, even when they contradict themselves or don't make any sense.
  • Irrationally and sometimes violently jealous.
  • Manipulative and/or controlling
  • Aggressive/violent
  • Very demanding
  • Cannot tolerate criticism or negative feedback
  • Everything bad they do is your fault
  • Blatant disregard for the feelings of others
  • Strong sense of entitlement and superiority
  • Only cares about you when you are serving their purposes and designs
  • Is mainly interested in what others can do for them
  • Breaks rules/laws which they ruthlessly expect others to follow (IE do not murder)
If you've actually read the Bible, you've already seen plenty of examples of this in the Christian god. This is pretty close to a complete description of his personality. Additionally, any Christian with any religious training at all will tell you that their god wants you to be completely dependent upon him in every aspect of your life. That's not love, folks! That ain't even close.

People say it's not a religion, it's a relationship. If that is true, it's an emotionally abusive one. If it were real love, god loving you wouldn't obligate you to love him back, or else.

Why Do Atheists and Agnostics "Pick on Christians"?

Why are we so focused on debunking Christianity? If we don't believe in the Christian god, why do we keep talking about him? Why do we hate him so much?

Many reasons. First of all, most of us are surrounded by Christians. Christians who use social media and post 450 religious memes every day. Christians who "pray for us" in the grocery store. Christians who shove their way into our lives in any way they can, attempt to debate with us and shout us down every time we give our opinions on life, society and the world around us. Christians who want to take over our schools, our legislative offices, tell our daughters what to wear, etc. Christians who invite us to social events with the ulterior motive of getting us "saved". Christians who tell us, among other things, that we can't make it through life without their religion and their god, can't have morals without their religion, can't raise our children properly without it. On and on. Oh, and if we disagree with them? Our souls are going to burn in hell for all eternity. Nice.

Gosh, how could I possibly dare to mock them when the above shows just how kind, tolerant and respectful they are to me! <heavy snark>

They absolutely do not see how hateful and insulting these things sound to someone who is outside their faith. Yeah, it's frustrating.

We need a voice of our own; a logical, rational voice free from dogma and superstition. A skeptical voice that looks at the silliness and the downright dangerous viewpoints of religion and says, "Enough."

I respect your right to your religion, but I don't respect your religion. A lot of Christians quote a bible verse about people "in the last days" mocking Christianity. If they see us mock their outrageous dogmas, they take this as proof that their bible is true. Weird. I didn't know mocking mythological nonsense was something only atheists and agnostics did. Most Christians think Greek myths ridiculous, and if they were surrounded by believers in the pantheon they'd be mocking them openly every chance they got...kiiinda like how they mock Islam. I also think it's highly probable that people were mocking parts of the bible in the time it was written (and with good reason - it contains unicorns and talking donkeys) and the writer of that particular verse (whoever he was) decided to take a jab at those people.

Gosh...I'm sorry that we laugh at your beliefs, but if they'd stop being so freaking ridiculous we wouldn't have as much material. Don't forget that you have persecuted atheists and people of other faiths throughout history. You didn't laugh at them, you tortured and killed them. You pick on me pretty much daily by the things you say and the things you imply. You have told me I was worthless and inept without your god. I'm allowed both to have a different viewpoint and to express it, and I don't need you to come here and "save me". 

About This Blog

Hello, internet! Allow me to introduce myself. I am an ex-Catholic, ex-Protestant, ex-crazy-extremist-fundie only recently embarking on a life without religion. I'm a wife of 13 years and a mother. I'm soon to be the first woman in my family, ever, to graduate from college with a 4 year degree. I'm a thinker, a wonderer, and a person with strong ideals. I don't claim to have all the answers but I will call out nonsense when I see it.

This is a place to put my thoughts and frustrations with living in a society full of pseudo-Christian gobbledygook, well-meaning as it sometimes may be. My husband and many of my friends are still very religious and I cope with this daily.

I am very critical of religion and of Christianity in particular because I've seen firsthand the damage it can do. Like-minded folks and the curious are welcome to comment. Religious proselytizing, arguing and Christian-splaining will be deleted. Ain't nobody got time for that!